Abiding Savior Free Lutheran Church moves to current location at 4100 S. Bahnson Avenue
Train Up a Child Preschool launches at Abiding Savior
South Wing opened to accommodate larger fellowship hall and triple the number of Sunday School classrooms! Living Word church plant launched, with intent that folks fatigued with capacity concerns at Abiding would consider being a part of the Living Word plant church.
Upon completion of East Wing with specially-designed Preschool rooms, Train Up a Child moves to current location and begins offering half-day kindergarten.
Responding to local community need, Abiding Savior launches Under Christ’s Care After School ministry
Council affirms recommendation from School Board to launch Abiding Savior Academy, K-8th grade, and to utilize the classical Christian educational approach. Four students enroll in 1st Grade.
The Academy hires its first principal.
Council affirms the year-by-year completion of 9th-12th grade, to be fully established for the 2024-25 school year. Fay Fisher is hired as the new principal.
The Academy records an original song at the Belbas Theater, written by Music Director Melissa Steventon and the middle school students.
The Academy hires a Logic / Rhetoric Principal as well as a Registrar to establish upper level academic pathway for students.
The Academy announces its mascot: the Academy Archers!